Sunday, December 27, 2009

ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 Windows 7 driver

Looking for ATI Radeon Xpress 1250 Windows 7 driver, try Catalyst Software Suite 9.11. It is not officially support Windows 7 (see below) but it should be the best you can get. It worked for me.

...AMD’s DirectX 9 ATI Radeon graphics accelerators are not officially supported under Windows 7. If the user chooses to, they can install the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista graphics driver under Windows 7. Please be aware that none of the new Windows 7 graphics driver (WDDM 1.1) features are supported (as the Windows Vista level graphics driver is limited to WDDM 1.0 level support). Using the ATI Catalyst Windows Vista driver under Windows 7 is not officially supported by AMD, and as such AMD will not provide any form of customer support for users running in this configuration....

I just upgraded a Samsung R20 to Windows 7, it has a ATI Radeon Xpress 1250. The display was fuzzy with Windows 7's default display driver. I went to AMD's site (ATI ,merged with ATi)

...The laptop manufacturer is the exclusive provider of driver updates. If the required driver update is not available at the laptop manufacturers’ website, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer directly, to see if an updated driver will be made available in the future... AMD cannot provide driver updates directly from

So I want to Samsung, but no luck, it only got XP and Vista.

I remember when I run Win 7 upgrade adviser, it suggested me to got something like 1300 (I should pay better attention the first time)

So I go back to AMD, and search for x1300, no plan for Windows 7 driver but y Catalyst Software Suite 9.11(older version such 9.3 crashed in Windows 7) seem OK to me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pass NTLM proxy to get Eclipse 3.5 update

How difficult could it be to get update from Eclipse? Wait until you sit behind corporate proxy!

If it is a NTLM proxy and Eclipse 3.5, stop trying! it WILL NOT work. You not only find solutions here, but also find testimonials of how many time has been wasted on this topic

For me, add a CNTLM is the best

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Access the Service Console in VMware EXSi

Apart from being free, VMware EXSi 4.0 also cannot access the service console like EXS. It is not easy but it is possible.

1. From the ESXi console summary screen hit ALT-F1.
2. Enter the word "unsupported" (without quotes and there will be no echo).
3. Enter in the root password for your system.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Having problem installing the Flash player again

Somehow you have to go over this again on each new release

This time Flash 10, I cannot locate the msi as I did with Flash 9. I finally get it worked with the Adobe's Knowledge Base:

It said the problem related to "incorrect permissions in the registry"

The procedure require SubInACL from Windows Resource Kit, onec it is installed make sure you add "C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\" to PATH; otherwise, the script will not run effectively

I hope this fix the problem once for all

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fix: Active desktop recovery with IE7

Having a Active desktop recovery popup suddenly is very annoying, in particular it forces your desktop background turn completely white that hurt my eyes. Different fixes were found but only the following worked for me(as System Admin. disable me from disable the active desktop)

Update the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\SafeMode\Components
Change the value of DeskHtmlVersion to zero instead of decimal 272.

Than logoff and login again

Get it here: